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Why the World Race? I would like to think of it as a calling. I always knew that I want to do something different and had a feeling that college wasn’t the right place for me.

In the past, the Lord saved me from so many situations even while I was sinning. To be realistic, I grew up in church but never knew how much Jesus dying on the cross meant. Although, I knew there was something else I was missing.

One day I just had a mental break down because I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school. My mom saw me and asked what was wrong and I told her everything. She then asked, “what are three goals you want to do in life?”

I came up with:

  • helping others
  • travel the world
  • trying new foods

She then said, “have you ever thought about doing a missions trip?”

That night I googled gap year mission trips and The World Race popped up with a ton others. After a while I left a couple of options.

But…I couldn’t stop thinking about the World Race Gap Year.

In January I filled out the application for the World Race but never turned it in because I knew this was going to be a big moment in my life.

It was hard for me to ask God if this was the right choice. I believe the cause for this was how COVID-19 effect me the most and just making bad choices.

I’m a type of person that I have to be directly in the conversation or in-person. I can’t be on a computer more than 30 minutes without being bored. This moved me away from God’s light and started moving into the darkness.

I started making more and more wrong choices as my senior year ended.

This is really how the Lord was protecting me from my bad choices and trying to the most light-hearted consequences.

As that application sat there, the push for the World Race grew stronger and stronger.

I knew something out there was speaking to me but my relationship with God wasn’t there. I decided in March to put in my application and literally the next day I was accepted.

I told myself, if God wants me to do this, He’ll provide the funds for the trip and I’ll continue believing that till I become fully funded. This will only be possible if continue to work and grow with my relationship with God.

I’ll be sharing more stories in the future and what God has been doing in my life. So thank you for reading and hopefully you’ll join me in this journey God has been calling to me.